Tuesday 31 May 2011

My headscarf


Its been a few days since my very first post and I already feel guilty for neglecting my blog. In this post I would like to share with you the very first time I put on my headscarf. It was five years ago 2007 in Ramadhaan.  At the time I worked and most working women only adorned the headscarf in Ramadhaan and then forget about it thereafter and I was also guilty of this. In that sacred month I decided that I needed to give back to my Rabb for all that he had blessed me with. Initially I was extremely determined and with all my other Muslim colleagues around me also wearing the headscarf during Ramadhaan, the transition seemed so simple but then came post Eid and everything went back to normal. All my muslim colleagues removed their scarves and there I was living up to my decision. I started re-thinking if I was sure of what I was doing. I did not feel beautiful, my headscarf became a bit heavy on my head. I hated how negative I became towards the most beautiful attire of a Muslimah. I did some introspection and asked myself why I was doing this and what it meant to me. Eventually my scarf collection grew. As much as I was trying hard to be motivated to maintain this new way of life, the people around me also motivated me to continue on this new journey. I received a whole lot more respect, especially from the opposite gender. Many people from other faiths asked the reason behind the covering and by explaining to them the significance I was indirectly inspiring myself. We are all capable of sin and we are also capable for making right. Inshallah, to those who are trying to adorn the headscarf, my dua for you is that you eventually succeed and don't put it down for another day, tomorrow may never come. When a Muslimah puts on her headscarf it becomes her voice without her speaking a single word.

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