Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Significance of Shabe Baraat

The Significance of Shabe Baraat
  • This night is called Shabe-Baraat (the night of freedom) because Allah Azza Wa Jal frees all His sinful servants who were destines for Jahannam.
  • The Quraan has called it a blessed night
  • Nabi (SAW) has said in a Hadith regarding this month. "Shabaan is my month and Ramadhaan is the month of Allah Azza Wa Jal."
  • This month is an introduction to Ramadhaan, Shawaal hail the end of Ramadhaan
  • Allah Taala's mercy descends during this night
  • During this night, beginning at sunset Allah Taala's special attention descends upon the first sky. He proclaims, "Is there anyone seeking forgiveness, that I may pardon him? Is there anyone requesting sustenance that I may provide for him? Is there anyone afflicted with difficulty (so that he may ask for assistance) that I may help him? Is there anyone with any other need?
  • Allah Taala showers His mercy the entire night up until Subah Saadiq (early morning-dawn).
  • Nabi (SAW) was so mindful of Shabaan that he did not give the sighting of the moon of any other month such thought.
  • It is also a speciality of this month, that all deeds done during the year shall be presented before Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal  in this month.
  • Nabi (SAW) stated that the month of Shabaan which is between Rajab and Ramadhaan, is such a month that people are negligent of its blessedness. It is during this month that the actions of the servants are presented before Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal. Therefore Nabi (SAW) loved that his deeds be presented while he was fasting.
  • During the 15th of Shabaan Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal shows special attention to all His servant s, he pardons those who seek forgiveness and He showers mercy on those on those who show mercy to others as for those who grudge and have enmity for others, Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal leaves them in the very same condition.
  • It is mentioned by Nabi (SAW) that the remainder of a person's life in the coming year and his sustenance and whoever shall be afforded the opportunity to perform Hajj (pilgrimage) shall be written on this night.
  • During this night , the names of the souls of all those who are born and of all those who are to depart from this world. Furthermore during this night one's actions are raised and sustenance sent down.
  • Nabi (SAW) has prohibited one from fasting after the 15th of Shabaan. This prohibition does not cause the fast to become Haraam. The reason for prohibiting fasting after the 15th of Shabaan is for one to gain strength of Ramadhaan.
  • It has been proven, from authentic sources, that the noble Sahaba and the Taabieen used to remain awake during the entire night and practice upon the Sunnat Amals. Our noble predecessors also used to honor this night and prepare for well in advance.
  • Committing sins during this night deprives a person of its blessings
  • As the reward of virtue increases respective to the time and place, so does the degree of sin. When during a significant time any amal is more virtuous so does the evil and sin committed in that time be more abhorred. The law of place and time falls under the same category, e.g. on may commit the same wrong in the Musjid and the degree of that sin shall increase. In the same manner this night is so blessed that committing a sin during this night shall be more severe.
Sunnat and Mustahab actions during the 15th Shabaan
  1. One should stay awake and perform salah, keep oneself busy with zikr, recitation of the Holy Quraan and other worship. Do also recite the Masnoon Dua of this night excessively
  2. To ask Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal for forgiveness, health, happiness and all our needs for this world and the Hereafter
  3. To busy oneself with Ibadaat (worship) during the entire night of Shabe Baraat
  4. It is Mustahab (preferrable) to fast on the 15th of Shabaan. Our predecessors did so too
  5. One should visit the qabarastaan (graveyard) and make Dua and seek forgiveness on behalf of the deceased
  6. It is stated in a Hadeeth that Nabi (SAW) said, "One who performs Esha Salaat with Jamaat and Fajr Salaat with Jamaat, Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal will grant him the reward of staying up the entire night." There are glad tidings for the weak and those engaged in business, that if they are not able to stay awake the entire nigth, they should try to remain awake as much as possible and to perform Fajr and Esha Salaat with Jammat, so that they may not be completely deprived of the blessings of this night.
  7. Hazrat Aisha Sidiqah Radiallahu Anha says, " I heard the Nabi (SAW) reciting the following dua whilst prostrating in Nafl Salaah:
"  I seek protection in Your forgiveness from Your wrath, and seek shelter in Your pleasure from your displeasure and I seek safety with You from You, I cannot praise You as You are deserving and You are worthy of praise as You have praised Yourself." 

Nabi (SAW) repeated this dua continuously in Sajdah. This Dua was taught to the Ummat by our beloved Nabi (SAW) .

The following sins are so severe that due to them one would be deprived of the blessings of this great night:
  1. To associate any partners with Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal, regarding His Being and Qualities
  2. To have enmity for one's fellow brothers
  3. Not fulfilling the rights of our close relatives and treating them unkindly
  4. To allow the trousers and pants to hang below the ankles
  5. To be disobedient to the parents
  6. To drink wine
  7. To oppress and take bribes
  8. To be involved in witchcraft
  9. To inform people of the unseen or to cast spells and be involved in fortune telling
  10. To read palms in order to tell the future
  11. To play the guitar, drum or any other musical instrument
  12. To play any game that requires the use of dice
After writing the virtues and blessings of this month, regretfully, we will have to include that due to the evil nature of our actions, we have converted all our actions to punishment and our blessings into worldly and hereafter losses. The Muslims once those who used to draw some good from bad, some virtues from staying away from evil and benefit from troubles we encounter today. As a consequence of the evil nature of our actions, this tables has turned and we have lost out in all places of good and achieve loss in all places of benefit. May Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal grant all Muslims the ability to practice good deeds and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi (SAW)

And Allah Taala Azza Wa Jal is the only one who grants us the ability and divine assistance.

Our Saintly Elders used to worship on the night of Shabe Baraat and fast the next day.

Oh ALLAH we humbly beg of You, Your forgiveness for any of our shortcomings and we beg of You, Your Divine help and assistance, AAMEN.


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