Friday 27 May 2011

Objective of this blog

As-salaam-u-alaikum dear visitor,

The objective of this blog is to inspire, motivate and encourage Muslim reverts and even born Muslims to stay "Stuck on Islam". In my opinion our lives are slowly moving away  from spirituality and all I want to do is lend a helping hand. But, make no mistake I do know that I will be learning a lot as well. Being a muslimah in this day and age is a wonderful feeling but we often get sidetracked with the busi-ness of life that we forget who we really are and we allow others judgement to make us feel small and sometimes insignificant. But this blog is not about judging, naming or blaming, I would like for it to be an online platform to allow each visitor the honour of feeling special as they truly are. Islam is very dear to my heart and so is my spirituality and the spirituality of others. Inshallah may this blog continue from strength to strength while making a difference in each visitors life. Ameen......signed Faraasha 

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